
Start your journey to crypto success with Ledger.com/start. Explore essential tools and resources to safeguard your investments effectively.


Ledger.com/start is the initial setup webpage for users of Ledger hardware wallets. These wallets are physical devices designed to securely store cryptocurrency keys offline, providing an extra layer of security against online threats.


  • Enhanced Security: Keeps your private keys offline, away from hacking risks.

  • User-Friendly: Easy setup process guided through Ledger.com/start, suitable for beginners.

  • Multi-Currency Support: Supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

  • Backup & Restoration: Offers recovery options in case the device is lost or damaged.


  • Cost: Requires an upfront purchase of the hardware wallet.

  • Physical Risk: Being a physical device, it can be lost, damaged, or stolen.

  • Learning Curve: Some users may find the transition from online wallets to hardware wallets challenging.

  • Dependence on Physical Device: You need the device with you to access your funds, which might be inconvenient for some users.

Last updated